Page 17: The lumberjack camp at Fawcett Lake

Link to Page 17: The lumberjack camp at Fawcett Lake
(Copyright 2009 by Klaus Conrad and Germancosm)

Chapter III

Das Holzfällerlager am Fawcettlake

Der Fawcettlake ist einer jener vielen tausend Seen, die überall in den riesigen Waldgebieten Nordkanadas eingestreut liegen. An seinem Nordende befinden sich einige Blockhäuser und eine Sägemühle. Während des Krieges wurden deutsche Kriegsgefangene in starkem Maße in der Holzindustrie Kanadas eingesetzt, und so befanden sich auch seit etlichen Jahren im Fawcettsee-Lager etwa 40 deutsche Kriegsgefangene, die teils als Holzfäller, teils in der Sägemühle beschäftigt waren. Der Mond stand schon hoch am Himmel, als wir uns dem Lager näherten.

The lumberjack camp at Fawcett Lake

Fawcett Lake is one of those many thousands of lakes that are interspersed all over the huge forested areas of Northern Canada. At its Northern end, there were a few log houses and a saw mill. During the war, large numbers of German prisoners of war were used in the Canadian lumber industry, and so about 40 German POWs found themselves in Fawcett Lake Camp for several years, some of them worked as lumberjacks, others in the sawmill. The moon was already high in the sky when we were approaching the camp.

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Sheila Willis on June 27, 2012 at 6:44 p.m.
I am working on doing a history tour of the Smith, Alberta area which is the nearest town to Fawcett Lake. I would like to include a bit about the POW camp but am looking for more information - it is kind of hard to come by. If you can help me please let me know. Thanks a bunch!

[Editor's note: if anyone has info to share, please send to Info on their local tour is at ]
Scott Lawton on July 09, 2012 at 9:24 a.m.
Here's a local article with some background info on the camp: When the Germans came to Fawcett Lake.
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