May 2010
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The Big Escape from Island Farm POW camp in Great Britain

Link to The Big Escape from Island Farm POW camp in Great Britain

The largest escape attempt made by German POWs in Great Britain during WWII occurred at Camp 198 in South Wales, aka Island Farm, in March of 1945.

According to a website dedicated to the camp:

Less than four months after the first officer-prisoners had started arriving at Island Farm and two months after [camp Commandant Lieutenant-Colonel] Darling had discovered the first of the paired tunnels, 70 prisoners escaped.

The site has lots of great details, including:

  • details and pictures of the escape tunnel
  • a BBC news recording (00:40) detailing the escape
  • Multiple news cuttings reporting the escape and recapture of the POWs
  • newspaper article on the 55th anniversary of the breakout
  • actual photos of the escape tunnel, re-opened in 2003
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